Cinnamon meets Roger Christian

Cinnamon meets Roger Christian

Photos taken on 28 March 2013 at the "Star Wars" exhibition with Roger Christian at Ben's, Bangsar Shopping Centre.

Cinnamon is really excited to meet the man behind the much loved "Star Wars" movies!

"Star Wars" fans can thank Star Wars Malaysia Fan Club for hosting the event.

Meeting Roger Christian was a one day event only, unfortunately...

OK! I'm ready to check the exhibits now, let's go!

Want to know who Roger Christian is? Read more to find out...

The walls at the exhibit area were lined with production photos from "Star Wars".

Some of the exhibits on display.

Cinnamon finally meets Roger Christian.

Like R2D2, Roger says the Force is strong with Cinnamon too!

Interview time, but hey let Cinnamon join in as well.

Roger is presented with a 'wayang kulit' Darth Vader memorabilia token by the president of Star Wars Malaysia Fan Club (SWMFC), Adi Azhar.

With fans and members of SWMFC.

Even Darth Vader and dark side of the Force had to visit!

Photo time with "Star Wars" fans.

Roger also signed their "Star Wars" collector's items.

Bunting from the event is signed especially by Roger and will be auctioned off to the highest bidder where proceeds will go to charity.

      Read more about the event here!

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