Hemsworth to fight "Robopocalypse"

Hemsworth to fight "Robopocalypse"

"Snow White And The Huntsman" lead, Chris Hemsworth, may be fighting a robot uprising next.

23 Jul - As if rising star Chris Hemsworth needed anymore gold stars to pad out his resume, the Australian actor is said to be wanted by acclaimed director Steven Spielberg for his upcoming futuristic thriller, titled "Robopocalypse", according to Deadline.

Previously, it had been reported that when Spielberg signed on to DreamWorks 2.0's financial deal with Reliance and distribution deal at Disney, he had a choice between epic war film, "War Horse", and "Robopocalypse". The former ended up being his first film under the deal.

Spielberg's "Robopocalypse" is based on the Daniel H. Wilson epic novel about the human race's attempt to survive an apocalyptic robot uprising, led by a sentient artificial intelligence named Archos. "Cabin In The Woods" helmer Drew Goddard has been commissioned to adapt the script to film.

However, it is not yet known what role Hemsworth has been offered. The actor is best known for playing Thor in "Marvel's The Avengers" and had recently starred alongside Kristen Stewart in "Snow White And The Huntsman". No other star has been cast for the film.

"Robopocalypse" is currently slated for release worldwide on 25 April 2014.
