21 Aug – Milla Jovovich had initially revealed on her Facebook page that she will be shooting the final instalment of the "Resident Evil" film which was called "Resident Evil: Final Chapter", however, a new update from the star announced that she and her director husband are expecting their second child, thus halting the production of the film. Jovovich posted on her Facebook yesterday at 3.32am that she originally was going to fly to Cape Town, South Africa for the shooting of the sixth and final instalment of the "Resident Evil" franchise, but unexpectedly found out that she is pregnant. So after discussing it with her husband, Paul Anderson and the crew of the film, they've decided that it would be better for her to start shooting after the baby is born, since the movie will involve a lot of stunts and action-work from her end.
The film was originally slotted for a 2015 release but since shooting is delayed to mid-2015, the movie will probably only be released in late 2016 or early 2017.