1 Jul – Hollywood actor Robert Downey Jr.'s son Indio Falconer Downey, age 20, was arrested yesterday for possession of cocaine and drug related tools. The son of the "Iron Man" actor was taken to jail in Los Angeles after a police officer reportedly saw him smoking from a pipe in a car, reports People.com. Indio was a passenger in the car and when the police officer pulled over the vehicle and conducted a thorough research, he found Indio to be in possession of cocaine. While Indio was arrested by the police, the other passengers of the car were not arrested. Indio was later released on Monday after he posted USD10,000 bail. Indio Downey's drug case is an echo to his father drug addiction issue in the 90s who also infamously spent time in jail and rehab before completing his court-ordered treatment program in 2002.
According to Hollywoodlife.com, a representative of Robert Downey Jr. released a statement to the media to show his gratitude, "Unfortunately there's a genetic component to addiction and Indio has likely inherited it. Also, there is a lot of family support and understanding, and we're all determined to rally behind him and help him become the man he's capable of being. We're grateful to the Sheriff's department for their intervention, and believe Indio can be another recovery success story instead of a cautionary tale," Indio Falconer Downey is the son of Downey Jr. with his first wife, Deborah Falconer whom he is divorced with since 2004. Downey Jr. is now married to Susan Nicole Downey and they had their first child in 2012 named Exton Elias Downey. Downey Jr. is currently donning the "Iron Man" suit again for the sequel to the Marvel superhero film, "The Avengers"; "The Avengers: Age Of Ultron", which is currently filming and is expected for release in 2015.