Stephen Colbert's "Hobbit" cameo

Stephen Colbert's "Hobbit" cameo

Stephen Colbert.

1 Jan – Fans of Stephen Colbert, a cult favourite satirical news anchor of "The Colbert Report", already know that the guy is a massive fan of "Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" author J.R.R. Tolkien so it was delightful when we heard that he was to make a short cameo appearance in a scene in the second "Hobbit" installation.

So now Colbert has finally made his way into the stories which are being told by director Peter Jackson.

Colbert has showed his knowledge of Tolkien countless times on his late night show and after years of proving his valor, he finally made it into "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug".

Colbert's "Desolation of Smaug" cameo for a scene in Laketown.

But you blinked while watching the film, you might have missed his appearance because even though the cameo was obviously Colbert, he turned it into a separate character and you probably hadn't even noticed he was there in a scene in Laketown if you didn't know he was in the film.

The scene was even talked about prior to the film's release, along with a cameo appearance of his wife and kids, but until now no one had any proof that he was actually in the film.

Director Peter Jackson also made his appearance on screen, but he had already appeared in his previous films but it was nice to see that he gave a massive fan like Colbert an opportunity to live his dreams.

"The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug" is now showing in theatres.

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