6 Aug – The well-known children animated series in Malaysia, "Upin & Ipin", will be come to the big screen with two new movies in production. The series' production studio, Les' Copaque's Managing Director Burhanuddin Md Radzi said that one of the will be a combination of live-action and animation through the collaboration with KRU studios and the other will be a full animation feature. Burhanuddin told Bernama that the first film that combines animation and live-action will be like "Who Framed Roger Rabbit'. The cartoon versions of Upin and Ipin will interact with real life characters. Malaysian star, Awie is set to appear in the film entitled "Upin & Ipin... Jeng Jeng Jeng" as the main character along with Siti Saleha and Toke. The film is expected to be released by mid-2015. The second movie; "Upin and Ipin The Movie" is a full animation film funded by the government and the Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn. Bhd. The film is expected to be completed by the end of 2015 and will hit screens in 2016.
"The background music score and soundtrack for this film will be provided by an orchestra in Semarang, Indonesia. This has been achieved through the cooperation with Indonesia as Upin and Ipin are so popular there", said Burhanuddin. Les' Copaque Production previously developed the first "Upin & Ipin" movie entitled "Geng: The Adventure Begins" in 2009. The company also announced a new animated series inspired by Disney's "Frozen" titled, "Puteri" that will be aired in September.