19 Aug – Local actress Raja Ilya recently admits that she is excited to act alongside Bollywood star Kajol in an upcoming Hindi movie that is set to be produced and directed by T. Anand. "Alhamdulillah, this year I will be acting in a Hindi movie. The most interesting part is I will be acting with some of Bollywood's best such as Kajol," said the actress to Sinar Harian. According to Raja Ilya, born Raja Ramilah Begum Raja Mohamad, she will be playing an Indian girl in the new movie. However, this will not pose any problem to her as it will not go against any religious restrictions. The actress, who once acted in Tamil movie "Appalam" and can currently be seen in drama series "Syurga Nur", revealed that she usually goes through every script offered to her so as to not end up taking a role that goes against Islam. The 30-year-old, who was awarded Best Actress at Malaysia Tamil Film Awards 2011 in Chennai, India, hoped that it will not become an issue or an obstacle for her in continuing to make a name for herself on the international stage.