28 Aug – Fans of "Velaiilla Pattadhari 2" (named "VIP 2: Lalkar" for its Hindi version) can anticipate seeing the movie's leading lady, Kajol, in its follow-up film. Kajol is confirmed to star in "Velaiilla Pattadhari 3", as revealed by leading man Dhanush, who also mentioned that "Velaiilla Pattadhari" will be a four-part franchise, according to The Indian Express. "Depending on how she behaves in part 3, we should decide whether to keep her character alive in part 4 or kill it," he added jokingly. Making her comeback after a 20-year hiatus from the Tamil movie industry, "Velaiilla Pattadhari 2" sees Kajol as Vasundhara, the chairman of a big construction company in South India who continues to stir trouble for Raghuvaran, played by Dhanush.
The Bollywood superstar previously revealed her hesitation on taking on project involving Tamil and other languages as she felt that her acting would be compromised with much attention being placed to deliver the lines. "It's all about the script for me. In "VIP 2", my character is this very confident and strong individual which I enjoy portraying, even though it's been a long time since I spoke the language," the 42-year-old "Dilwale" actress shares.
Aside from her involvement in the follow-up to "VIP 2" next, fans can also look forward to the onscreen reunion of Kajol and her real-life husband, Ajay Devgn, in an upcoming yet-to-be-titled film, helmed by "Parineeta" director and ad-man Pradeep Sarkar. Meanwhile, Kajol's "VIP 2" co-star Dhanush, who has been credited for the movie's screenplay, will also be reuniting with his filmmaker brother Selvaraghavan for a project next year. "Once he has the script ready, we will find time and get to work. I'm looking forward to collaborate with him," he revealed to The Times of India. While fans await all these exciting projects from the Indian stars, fans can in the meantime catch Kajol and Dhanush in "Velaiilla Pattadhari 2", now showing in cinemas nationwide.