30 May – Chinese actor Liu Ye admitted that his life could have spiralled out of control if not for his wife Anais Martane. As reported on Epoch Times, the actor, who appeared on the CCTV show, "The Reader" recently, dedicated a passage from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's "The Little Prince" to his wife, that read, "To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world..." Speaking about his relationship with his French wife, Liu revealed that his hectic schedule and nature of work used to make him physically and mentally exhausted in the past, and that there was even a time when people began questioning his talent as an actor. Said Liu, it was during that time that he began to have emotional problems. He suffered from insomnia and would have to rely on alcohol and sleeping pills to get some sleep - to an extent that it began to scare him. "I met Anna just as I was nearly hitting rock bottom. Since our marriage, she took care of me like I was a child. She's like the sunshine, always happy," he said. Liu stated that after Anais learned about his insomnia, she told him to take a break from acting. "[She said] You have to separate your personal life from work. You need to rest for three months," said the actor. It was during that break that he followed Anais on her trip to Norway, where she helped him get off of alcohol and sleeping pills. "After only the second day, I was able to get rid of my insomnia," he said. The couple is now married for nearly ten years, and have two children together; son Noé and daughter Nina. "Being together with her, I think it's fate," he added. (Photo Source: Epoch Times)