"BoBoiBoy Movie 2" set to be released on Netflix

"BoBoiBoy Movie 2" set to be released on Netflix

Fans are eagerly awaiting the release of "BoBoiBoy Movie 2" on Netflix.
Fans are eagerly awaiting the release of "BoBoiBoy Movie 2" on Netflix.

12 May – Malaysian animation company, Animonsta Studios, has announced that its 3D-animated film "BoBoiBoy Movie 2" is set to be released on the popular streaming platform, Netflix.

The good news was announced yesterday on Monsta's and BoboiBoy's official social media, as well as the Facebook of Animonsta Studios CEO Nizam Razak.

However, at the time of writing, Animonsta has yet to reveal the movie's exact release date on the streaming platform.

Fans congratulated them for the success and expressed positive feedbacks and excitement to catch their favourite animated film on Netflix.

Aside from being good news for fans of the "BoboiBoy" movie and series, it also gives the pro

duction an opportunity to promote a high quality Malaysian animated film on a global platform. Last year, "BoBoiBoy Movie 2" made history when it collected RM27.7 million after just 26 days of screening, making it the highest-grossing local animation at the time.

In other news, Nizam Razak has also expressed his gratitude when a media agency in Japan made a coverage on animated series "Fly With Yaya" recently.

The series is a spinoff of the "BoBoiBoy" dan "BoBoiBoy Galaxy" franchise, featuring Yaya in her adventure of exploring the beauty of Japan.

Related Movies:
BoBoiBoy Movie 2 (Malay) (08 Aug 2019)
BoBoiBoy The Movie (Malay) (03 Mar 2016)

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