16 Nov – Great news for fans who are still holding out hope of seeing "Keluang Man Zero", the big screen adaptation of popular animated TV series "Keluang Man", because the wheels are still turning on the live-action project! After two years of no updates on it, Aziz M. Osman, the director-general of production company Ace Motion Pictures Sdn.Bhd, recently stated that the movie might be produced soon. "For now, we're still discussing on the copyright issue," he told Cinema Online. However, there are still no cast members and director attached to the project at the moment. Previously, Australia-based Malaysian filmmaker Rizal Halim, who was set to direct it, made a surprising decision to exit the project due to undisclosed reasons. When the movie was first announced, it was evident that fans were excited for it, especially following the release of the first teaser poster which showed Keluang Man decked in an all-black costume. Stay tuned to Cinema Online for the latest updates on "Keluang Man Zero".