18 Jun – The highly-anticipated anime adaptation of horror mangaka Junji Ito's "Uzumaki" has been delayed to 2022. The project, which was announced back in 2019, was originally scheduled for a 2020 release, but faced production halts due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In a video statement on YouTube, director Hiroshi Nagahama stated that the pandemic had a huge impact on the anime industry in Japan, especially for the production of "Uzumaki". "It's also true that we had to restructure our plan from the start. But it's definitely starting to come together," he added.
The four-episode miniseries will stay true to its black-and-white original comic in respect of Ito's style - making it much more eerie than if done in colour. There has been a live-action adaptation of the highly popular title, though many believed that it did not fully capture the horror of the actual story. "Uzumaki", which was released as a serial on "Big Comic Spirits" from 1998 to 1999, follows Kirie Goshima, a teenage girl who lives in a remote town called Kurouzu-cho where the residents are afflicted by a horrifying spiraling curse.
A snippet of the upcoming mini-series can be watched here: