28 Apr – Ajay Devgn recently revealed that he actually contacted Salman Khan for his blessings to release his new directorial effort, "Runway 34" on Eid. The actor, who spoke about the upcoming movie, noted that Salman is known for releasing his movies on the Muslim celebration, and said that he actually called Salman to ask him if the latter is fine with him taking over the slot. "He was very sweet to tell me, 'Don't worry, I won't come that week. I'll come next year on Eid'," he revealed. The actor also admitted that releasing a movie during festivals help as people would go out to have a nice time. "After Ramadan, Eid comes and they celebrate. Cinema is all connected with celebrations," he said. However, Ajay stressed that he didn't actually plan for the movie to be released during the festive month, only that the date they had chosen coincided with it. It is noted that Salman himself previously promoted "Runway 34", which marks Ajay's third directorial effort, writing on social media, "I don't have any film ready so I requested brother Ajay Devgn to come on Eid and share it with us. So, this Eid we shall celebrate and watch Runway 34." "Runway 34" is set to be released on 29 April in Malaysia and Singapore.