13 Jan – A remake of the classic thriller, "To Catch A Thief" is reportedly in the works at Paramount. The upcoming project reportedly will be written by "Prodigal Sun" producer and writer Eileen Jones, with "Wonder Woman" actress Gal Gadot attached to star. The original 1955 Hitchcock film starred Cary Grant as a former thief who has to save his reformed reputation by catching an impostor preying on the wealthy tourists. It co-stars Grace Kelly as wealthy heiress Frances Stevens, who later because Princess Grace of Monaco.
There is no news as to whether Gadot, who is also producing the movie, will play Kelly's role or whether it will be a gender-reversal type of movie. On the other hand, the actress' latest movie would be the Hercule Poirot adaptation, "Death on the Nile". She is also set to begin production on three new movies, including "Cleopatra" and Wonder Woman 3".