17 Mar – Shah Rukh Khan has set tongues wagging after he announced a new project on social media. On 15 March, the actor posted a promotional image bearing the word "SRK+ Coming Soon", and captioned it, "Something is going to happen in the world of OTT." No details have been released about the said project. Fans were not the only ones who expressed excitement about it, as fellow actors also took to social media to congratulate SRK.
Aaj ki party teri taraf se @iamsrk. Congrats on your new OTT app, SRK+ http://t.co/MdrBzqpkyD - Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) March 15, 2022
Aaj ki party teri taraf se @iamsrk. Congrats on your new OTT app, SRK+ http://t.co/MdrBzqpkyD
This includes Salman Khan, who retweeted the image, and wrote, "Congrats on your new OTT app, SRK+", while director Karan Johar wrote, "Biggest news of the year. [SRK], this is going to change the face of OTT. Super excited!" On the other hand, it was rumoured that the actor may not be launching his own OTT channel, but that the new project would be an extension to his collaboration with Disney+ Hotstar.