Warong Pak Jabit at Mamat Khalid's Sarang Art Hub is open

Warong Pak Jabit at Mamat Khalid's Sarang Art Hub is open

It is keeping Mamat Khalid's legacy alive
It is keeping Mamat Khalid's legacy alive

20 Sep – A replica of Warong Pak Jabit, the popular food stall synonymous with Mamat Khalid's "Kampong Pisang" universe has recently been built as part of Perak Tourism.

The stall, which is situated in the vicinity of the late filmmakers' cafe, Sarang Art Hub in Tanjung Malim, was launched recently by the Tourism Perak CEO, Normalis Musa, and witnessed by Mamat's fourth child and director, Mohd Khalid Amen.

"Although it is not built fully like in the movie or drama, I'm sure it will bring nostalgia to those who come," said Amen.

The replica was launched by Tourism Perak CEO Normalis Musa
The replica was launched by Tourism Perak CEO Normalis Musa

Mamat Khalid passed away last October
Mamat Khalid passed away last October

Amen added that the establishment of Sarang Art Hub itself by his late father has to be continued so that all of Mamat's sacrifices will not be in vain.

Guests who attended the launch were also served with "curry noodle with laksa gravy", the hilarious menu that is part of "Kampong Pisang Bersiri-siri".

Aside from the stall, another addition to the Sarang Art Hub area is the Bangsal Lang Buana, which will be a training ground for silat students under the guidance of Jentayu.

Sarang Art Hub also launches Bangsal Lang Buana for silat training
Sarang Art Hub also launches Bangsal Lang Buana for silat training

Silat practitioners will be training under the guidance of Jentayu
Silat practitioners will be training under the guidance of Jentayu

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Dailymotion article page COMY

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