Daphne's homosexual wish

Daphne's homosexual wish

Interview was held during the premiere of "My Spy" on 20 November 2009 at GSC Mid Valley Megamall, Kuala Lumpur.

Daphne Iking.

Born in Sabah, Daphne Eleanor Iking or better known as Daphne Iking began her career as a model, and then continued as a host. Among the TV shows that she hosted was "Explorace", "My Australian Adventure" and "The Breakfast Show". In 2006, Daphne began to explore new heights as she was given the opportunity to try her hand at acting in a TV drama called "KL Lights" and later had her feature film debut "My Spy" directed by Afdlin Shauki.

Cinema Online caught up with this sassy lass on the experience working on her first movie, "My Spy" alongside co-stars AC Mizal, Harun Salim Bachick, Ridzuan Hashim, Carmen Soo, and Hannah Tan.

Congratulations on your first movie, "My Spy". So tell us how do you feel now?
Thank you! I am very excited and nervous right now. This is the first time I would see myself on the big screen! Furthermore, my mother willingly came all the way from Sabah just to be with me tonight!

Tell us about your role in this movie.
In this movie, Carmen Soo and I are twins. We are the bodyguards to Dato' Osman played by Ridzuan Hashim. Well, basically we're the bad guys in this movie.

What were the challenges faced during filming?
Definitely the fight scenes! It was difficult because our jumpsuit is made out of leather. So when we were doing those flying kicks and fights, it was often torn. If I'm not mistaken, my jumpsuit was sewn more than three times by the seamstress. Furthermore, the weather in Langkawi was very hot! So it was quite difficult for us to move when we're wearing the jumpsuit.

PLAYING TWINS: Daphne and Carmen Soo.

How did you feel when given the opportunity to work with those who have big names in the local movie industry such as Afdlin Shauki, AC Mizal and Harun Salim Bachik?
I am very grateful when given an opportunity like this. Working with Afdlin was really relaxing. No pressure at all! He is a funny guy but very strict. As "My Spy" is my first movie, he did not give me any pressure. Maybe he was afraid that I could not handle the pressure. AC Mizal is very funny and gila-gila like me, which is totally different with Harun. Although he played many comedic characters, but in reality he is a very serious man! Hannah Tan is indeed very sexy and beautiful. She was like a mother to me and Carmen. She always makes sure that we eat and are always in good condition during the shoot. My 'twin' Carmen is very sweet and she talks a lot!

Daphne with Hannah Tan during the premiere of "My Spy".
Why did you opt for "My Spy" as your first movie?
It's because I had the opportunity and the time to act. Before this I was busy with my career as a TV host. When I accepted this role, "The Breakfast Show" was on break as we were doing some revamp. So when the movie finished, the TV programme started. So I felt that there was no problem and that the timing was very appropriate. Afdlin persuaded me to go to the auditions. As the filming schedule wasn't an issue and I saw that the line of actors were good, I agreed. Usually if I feel something is wrong, I would never go audition. However for "My Spy", everything went smoothly and now I'm at my first film premiere!

Which character you would like to play in the future?
I want to play the character as a homosexual or transsexual. I do understand that this is a taboo topic in our society. But I was raised with people like them. They are not bad as what people assume. I found out there were many misunderstandings towards people like them. My good friend was killed because he was a homosexual. So this subject is very close to my heart. I want people out there to understand that it is not easy for them to be who they are. Of course if they were given a choice, they will not choose that path.

So what is your future plan?
I have a new movie coming out most probably in 2010. The rest need to check with my schedule. Even though I'm already involved in acting, that does not mean that I will forget my hosting career.

Congratulations on your new movie and good luck, Daphne!
Thank you!

The many faces of Daphne Iking.
