24 Jul - Four armed men robbed the GSC at IOI Mall Puchong past midnight on Tuesday and managed to walk away unscathed with RM140,000 in cash. It is learnt that the men who donned masks and were armed with parangs, threatened the two assistant managers who was present counting cash in the office at that moment to open the safe at the manager's office. The whole act took place within 5 minutes and the men warned the cinema staff including a cleaner who was present to not raise the alarms. Although the office was said to be safeguarded with a fingerprint recognition alarm system, the robbers still managed to successfully break in and flee the scene with the cinema's income of the past three days; a whopping RM140,000, which consisted mainly of ticket sales collection from "The Dark Knight Rises". Police had detained a 17-year-old male cinema staff a few hours after the incident had occurred for further investigations. Authorities believe that the robbery was an inside job. The cinema management could not be reached for comment at time of publication; however stay tuned right here for the latest updates!