Tony Scott excited about "Top Gun 2"

Tony Scott excited about "Top Gun 2"

Director Tony Scott is known by the red baseball cap that he always wears.

22 Aug – No further light has been shed on the tragic death of British filmmaker Tony Scott, between the denied claims by the deceased's family that Tony had inoperable brain cancer, and 20th Century Fox's chairman claims that Tony was enthusiastic about future projects just two weeks before his suicide, according to Mail Online.

In addition, on Friday, just two days before 68-year-old Scott's tragic death, he had been with Tom Cruise to discuss about their upcoming sequel to their 1986 hit "Top Gun". The pair even toured the Fallon U.S Naval air station in Nevada, which is home to the Naval Weapons Fighter School where the real life Top Gun pilots complete their training.

Scott was also in pre-production on an underwater drug-trafficking thriller "Narco-Sub", another smuggling drama "Lucky Strike" and a remake of the 1969 western "The Wild Bunch".

Thus, it came as a great shock for the world when the younger brother of filmmaker Ridley Scott ("Prometheus") suddenly committed suicide on Sunday by jumping off one of California's highest bridges, the Vincent Thomas Bridge.

Investigators found a note in Scott's black Toyota Prius, which was parked on the bridge, which listed names and contact numbers that should be informed of his death. A suicide note was later found at his office.

An autopsy was performed on Monday but any afflictions that may have been a motivation for the filmmaker's suicide would not able to be determined until toxicology and other test results became available in several weeks.

According to witnesses, Tony climbed up to his death looking "nervous" while another said that he saw "a very determined guy" who leaped to his death.

One of the late director's projects was "Déjà Vu" (2006), starring Denzel Washington, whom he has worked with several times.

Tributes started to pour in for the celebrated director whose last film was "Unstoppable" in 2010, starring Denzel Washington and Chris Pine.

Director Ron Howard tweeted, "No more Tony Scott movies. Tragic day."

"Top Gun" lead star Cruise, who was crushed at the news of Tony's death, said, "Tony was my dear friend and I will really miss him ... My deepest sorrow and thoughts are with his family at this time. He was a creative visionary whose mark on film is immeasurable."

Director Tony Scott (left) with his older brother Ridley Scott.

The tragedy has also led his brother Ridley to fly into Los Angeles from London after halting work on his latest film, "The Counselor".
