31 Dec – Selena Gomez, the Disney-originated actress who has also starred in "Spring Breakers" with James Franco and pop singer cancels her Australian and Asian tour, including a concert in Malaysia, to tend to lupus-related health issues. Lupus is a mysterious autoimmune disease where the body's immune system attacks normal, healthy tissue. Symptoms include joint pain, facial swelling, fatigue, inflammation and headaches. It's unclear what exactly causes lupus, and there is no cure, but getting lots of rest is crucial. Last week, rumours emerged saying Gomez wanted to take a break because she was having a breakdown, but a source clears things up, "Selena is not having a breakdown. She wants to be the healthiest that she can be and this means taking a little break. But she is fine. She is OK."
"Breaking Bad" star Anna Gunn, who played Skylar White in the show also reportedly suffered from lupus, and that steroid injections caused swelling and weight gain during the filming of the show's last season. "I was actually ill while I was filming the show and it affected my weight. They gave me cortisone and I puffed up and gained weight. Now I'm better, thank God," said Gunn about the issue. But the two actresses aren't the only celebrities who has gone public about coping with lupus. In 2010, Lady Gaga said she tested "borderline positive" for lupus. Gaga said she has a genetic predisposition toward lupus, and said her aunt died from it. "(Selena Gomez) knows that she needs to take some time to address the disease and look after herself better if she wants to live a full and healthy life," said a source about her sudden tour cancellation. We hope Selena gets well and has a speedy recovery!