18 May – A live action adaptation of the popular manga series "Bakuman" is currently in the works, starring Sato Takeru ("Rurouni Kenshin") and Kamiki Ryunosuke ("The Kirishima Thing"). According to Film Business Asia, the adaptation is being directed by "Love Strike" director One Hitoshi, and production is expected to be completed in June with a planned release in Japan in 2015. "80% of my personality is shaped by the manga I've been reading since I was a child, so I definitely want to make a film about manga artists," said One.
Created by "Death Note" creators Oba Tsugumi and Obata Takeshi, the "Bakuman" manga series centers two aspiring manga creators, who form a partnership to create the top-selling manga in the country. "Bakuman" was serialized from 2008 to 2012 and was adapted into an anime series in 2010.