Disney loses rights to "John Carter"

Disney loses rights to "John Carter"

Get ready to see "John Carter" back on the silver screen.

23 Oct – Following Disney's failed attempt at bringing the magic of Edgar Rice Burroughs's "A Princess of Mars" novel to the big screen with fantasy adventure movie "John Carter" back in 2012, fans' hopes of seeing a sequel to it has long been dashed.

However, The Playlist reports that there may be sequels planned for release in the near future now that the rights to the franchise no longer belong to Disney.

Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc. has once again obtained the property after Disney decided to wash their hands off the project. An understandable move as the movie did cost the 'mouse house' millions in terms of loss, and Disney is moving along with the more profitable "Star Wars".

A statement from Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc. stated that the company is now looking for production partners to revive the "John Carter" franchise. No word yet on whether Taylor Kitsch will be invited back for the titular role.

The next Disney movies set for release are "Big Hero 6" in November 2014 and "Into the Woods" in January 2015.

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