19 Jun – KRU animation studio, Kartun Studios' very first animated film, "Ribbit" is set to premiere worldwide at the Niagara Integrated Film Festival (NIFF) on 21 June 2014. The animated film, "Ribbit" features the unique voice cast from Hollywood such as Sean Astin, Tim Curry, Russell Peters and the famous dub actress Cherami Leigh. The Chief Creative Officer of Kartun Studios, Chuck Power acts as the director of the film with Amir Hafizi in charge for the screenplay of the film. The 3D animated film, "Ribbit" tells the story about a peculiar frog with an identity crisis. Comparing to the other frogs, Ribbit hates hopping and is not fond of water. Through some weird set of events, he comes to believe that he is in fact a human prince that got trapped in the body of a frog.
Thus, to break his 'spell', he goes on an amazing adventure through the Amazon Forest along with his best friend, Sandy the squirrel to search for his true identity and a princess that can set him free from his curse. Along the journey, he encounters countless of odd characters and gets into a series of ridiculous trouble. The movie is expected to premiere in Malaysia on 4 September 2014. Aside from "Ribbit", KRU Studios has five more 3D animation films and three animation TV series in development.