22 Jun – The Malaysian animated series "BoBoiBoy" will be the latest addition to Perak's Movie Animation Park Studios (MAPS) which is expected to be completed by the first quarter of next year. The Malaysian animated series is the first local cartoon series to be featured at MAPS, joining other international animated series like "Mr Peabody & Sherman", "Mega-mind", "The Croods", "Casper The Friendly Ghost" and "The Smurfs".
Fans of "BoBoiBoy" will get the chance to see the characters come to life through the exclusive custom produced 4D adventure film which will only be available for viewing at MAPS. There will also be the BoBoiBoy Animation & Sound FX which is a special attraction that lets kids experience what it feels like to be a superhero through the use of 3D animation technology. Another not-to-be-missed attraction would be the Tok Aba's Kokotiam which will be selling a range of BoBoiBoy food and drinks besides the famed hot cocoa, and also exclusive BoBoiBoy merchandise. "Malaysian animation BoBoiBoy will now be placed alongside internationally renowned franchise characters from one of the world's leading animation studios, DreamWorks Animation, which is based in Los Angeles," said Mr. Darren McLean the CEO of Animation Theme Park Sdn Bhd (ATP) according to a statement from MAPS' official website.