"Jurassic World's" director takes on "Intelligent Life" as next project

"Jurassic World's" director takes on "Intelligent Life" as next project

"Colin Trevorrow is ready to take on his next project, "Intelligent Life".

8 Mar – Though "Jurassic World" is slated to release in June this year, director Colin Trevorrow is already planning on his next project and decided to work on a sci-fi thriller entitled "Intelligent Life".

It is confirmed by The Hollywood Reporters that he will bring back his "Jurassic World" team for his upcoming project.

DreamWorks Pictures decided to pick up the project which Trevorrow has already written earlier along with his "Jurassic World" collaborator Derek Connolly.

Trevorrow will reunite with "Jurassic World" producer Frank Marshall for this project with Connolly acting as the executive producer.

The plot for this movie is being kept secret but the film is believed to be the re-conceptualised version of an earlier Trevorrow-Connolly project titled "The Ambassador".

"Intelligent Life" is the first project picked up the new CEO of DreamWorks, Michael Wright.

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