11 Sep – Former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir said that he is satisfied with the message conveyed in "Kapsul" and wishes that more films like it will be produced as it creates awareness, especially among the younger generations – on how the country achieved its independence. "I am very satisfied with this film, and I am proud of the late director (Martias Ali)," said the former Prime Minister after the gala premiere of "Kapsul" held at Cathay Cineplex, eCurve yesterday. Tun M also stressed that the film has nothing to do with the political strain that is happening right now, and it is only about the fight to achieve Vision 2020.
When asked about his experience acting in this film, Tun M said jokingly said that he is nervous about it even until today. "I'm still nervous right now. During the film shooting, I was only given a few minutes to practice my lines. There are a few scenes that I had to retake," said the 90-year-old former Prime Minister. He also joked that right he can now tell people that he is an actor too. Also presented at the gala premiere were Tun M's wife, Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohamad Ali and the movie's cast line-up, Faizal Hussein, Jue Aziz, Zamarul Hisham and more.