19 Nov – The new Spider-Man movie, "Spider-Man: Homecoming" might debut its trailer with the release of Disney's upcoming "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story". This was deduced by Comicbook.com, who reported that the trailer will be shown in cinemas on 15 December when "Rogue One" is released. Previously, the trailer for the superhero flick was shown only for a selected few at the San-Diego Comic Con under Marvel's special presentation, but now it looks like it is finally making its way out to the masses sooner than expected. Screenrant also noted the possibility that the trailer might be made available online a few days before the premiere of "Rogue One". But as it is right now, the "Star Wars" spinoff will be the first chance for audiences to see the trailer on the big screen. On major question that is yet to be answered is whether or not the trailer would be the same as the one shown at Comic Con or will it be a different version. But one thing is for certain, fans can look forward for exciting updates from Marvel and Disney in the coming weeks on both "Spider-Man" and "Star Wars".