13 Jul – Following the success of the live-action adaptation of "Goosebumps" in 2015, another horror series by R.L. Stine, "Fear Street" is currently being developed by 20th Century Fox. It has been reported that as many as three "Fear Street" novels are in now development, and "Honeymoon" director Leigh Janiak is on board to helm the project and oversee the development of the scripts which will each be written by Kyle Killen, Zak Olkewicz, and Silka Luisa. According to the Hollywood Reported, the potential trilogy is set to be filmed "back-to-back-to-back" and then released one month after another.
Often referred to as the "Stephen King of children's literature", the author is known for his many horror fiction novels, including horror series like "Goosebumps" and "Fear Street". However, unlike "Goosebumps" series, "Fear Street" is aimed at a teen readership. The "Fear Street" books are set in the fictional city of Shadyside, Ohio, spanned different time periods between 1980s and 1990s, with several of the stories loosely connected to each other.