Raja Ilya arrives in Hollywood for Marvel audition

Raja Ilya arrives in Hollywood for Marvel audition

Raja Ilya with American film producer Joey McFarland.

9 Mar – Having kept mum about her Marvel superhero movie for quite some time now, Malaysian actress Raja Ilya finally announced that she is currently in Los Angeles for the Marvel project.

Raja Ilya, real name Raja Ramilah Begum Raja Mohamad, shared that she will be there for about two weeks to go through several audition processes.

"After 6 months of preparations, I am finally ready to start my journey.

"I need to make sure that I'm always fit and strived to achieve the ideal body shape as a condition to participate in the audition," she stated, according to BH Online.

Raja Ilya sharing her update the moment she landed in Los Angeles.

The "Soulmate Hingga Jannah" actress also shared, even though she was nervous upon finding out that the audition process will be gruelling, she is determined to give her best in order to realise her dreams on the international stage.

This 32-year-old actress has previously not shared any update on the project as she was tied to a contract with the local production company there.

Raja Ilya hopes that her sacrifices will eventually bring her rewards and elevate the standing of Malaysian talents.

(Photo source: Raja Ilya's Instagram)

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