Aaron Kwok's mother has passed away

Aaron Kwok's mother has passed away

26 Feb – It was reported that Aaron Kwok's mother had passed away earlier this month.

According to Mingpao, the news was confirmed by the singer's manager Siu Mei saying that Mrs Kwok died peacefully on the 7th of February and that Aaron and the family are currently focusing on making funeral arrangements.

Reportedly, the funeral will be set up in Hong Kong on the 4th of March.

Siu Mei also stated that Aaron is well aware of people's concern and sympathy for him, and simply responded, "Thoughtful".

Aaron is known to have a very close relationship with his mother, and once admitted that he was happy to finally be able to fulfil her wish to see him married.

While holding his concert in January this year, the singer confessed his worries about his mother's health, saying that he would not be here without her.

She was 90.

(Photo Source: Mingpao)

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