10 Feb – Actor-director Datuk Farid Kamil handpicked Niezam Zaidi to play the character Spark, which was previously played by fellow actor-director Zul Huzaimy, in his upcoming movie "Remp-It 2". "A lot of changes can take place in 13 years, so I made the initiative to change Spark's character and make this movie to the best of my abilities. "Niezam Zaidi is an actor who can ride the motorcycle well. He has also participated in several Malaysian Cub Prix races before this but at the time, I didn't have the chance to get to know him as an actor. "However, I'm confident that he will be a breath of fresh air to "Remp-It 2" and I am very grateful for that," said Farid at the launch of the movie and Sifu International Enduro Championship 2020. At the same time, Farid admitted that he was disappointed because he was unable to include Nabila Huda in the movie. He said that Nabila already had other commitments and would face scheduling conflicts.