19 Nov – Animation studio Brainy Bones Studios once again made Malaysia proud on the international stage when its animated short film, "Kring!", nabbed an award at the ReAnima Bergen International Animation Festival 2020 in Norway. "Kring!" won the Best Animated Film for Kids award, after competing with 11 other animated films from across the globe. The good news was shared yesterday on the official Facebook of Brainy Bones Studios, which is part of the Brainy Brunch Group. Director Hilmi Ismail celebrated his film's award-winning streak by thanking everyone who was involved and has supported the internationally acclaimed animated film. "The result is out! Alhamdulillah KRING! has been awarded for Best Animated Film for Kids in the ReAnima Festivals at Norway. "Another achievement for Brainy Bones and Malaysia. Thank you to [you] guys! Let's inspire more people with the beauty of animation!" he posted on his Twitter. Previously, "Kring!" also won the Best Animated Film award at the Festival International du Film sur les Handicaps 2020 in Lyon, France. Apart from that, it was also chosen as an 'Official Selection at the Festival Internacional de Cine de Lebu, Chile, Mi Primer Festival, Lima, Peru, and the 5th Animation Marathon 2019, Athens, Greece. "Kring!" tells the story of a teacher named Suraya, who is helping a dyslexic student named Mael. Suraya is worried that Mael is failing in his studies but after spending time looking through his drawings, she discovers that he learns things in a different way. She then decides to spend extra time to teach her student using a more comfortable method, which is through drawing.