"Olympus Has Fallen" producer claims Gerard Butler's lawsuit has no merit

"Olympus Has Fallen" producer claims Gerard Butler's lawsuit has no merit

And this is how you thank me for saving the president?
And this is how you thank me for saving the president?

6 Aug – One of the defendants in Gerard Butler's lawsuit has recently dismissed the notion that the actor is owed profits from the 2013 movie, "Olympus Has Fallen".

A spokesperson of Nu Image recently released a statement regarding the issue on 4 August, stating that there is no merit to the actor's claim.

"Nu Image has been open and transparent with Mr. Butler and his representatives about the revenue of Olympus Has Fallen which was released in 2013. Nu Image provided participation statements to Mr. Butler and those statements were audited by Mr. Butler's auditors in 2015 and 2016," the spokesperson stated. "The statements fully comply with the terms of Mr. Butler's agreement, resulting in no overages being due. After over eight years of our cooperation with Mr. Butler and his representatives on this matter, we are very disappointed that Mr. Butler has now decided to act in this manner."

There is no limitation period on the money you owe me

Last week, Butler's legal representatives claimed that the actor is owed more than USD 10 million in profits following an independent audit, and alleged that the producers have understated their own receipts and profits by over USD 11 million.

Aside from Nu Image, Butler named studios Millennium Film and Padre Nuestro Productions as defendants.

"Olympus Has Fallen", which was directed by Antoine Fuqua, made over USD 170.3 million at the box office worldwide. Butler went on to reprise his role as Secret Service Agent Mike Banning in "London Has Fallen" (2016) and "Angel Has Fallen" (2019). The actor is also set to film the fourth instalment, "Night Has Fallen".

Gerard Butler in 2019's "Angel Has Fallen"

Related Movies:
Angel Has Fallen (22 Aug 2019)
London Has Fallen (03 Mar 2016)
Olympus Has Fallen (22 Mar 2013)

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