3 Dec – Local animated series, "Upin & Ipin" has recently won another accolade, this time at the Child Friendly Broadcasting Awards (APRA) in Indonesia. The news was shared by Les' Copaque Production on social media, stating that the series won the Foreign Animation category at the event that was held on 29 November. Broadcasting via MNCTV station in Indonesia since 2017, this is the second time "Upin & Ipin" has won the award, following last year's victory.
Les' Copaque Production's Creative Content Director, Nur Naquyah Burhanuddin said that the award proves that the show has succeeded in elevating local animation to the international level. "So, it is wrong to say that Upin & Ipin just succeeds locally. Upin & Ipin has reached Indonesia and managed to take home the trophy, beating animations from South Korea, the US and other countries, not once but twice," she added.