6 Sep – Five renowned local filmmakers worked together to bring you "Juang", an omnibus film that revolves around the COVID-19 pandemic. The five filmmakers, Aziz M Osman, Kabir Bhatia, Matt Lai, Osman Ali and Yusry Abdul Halim, told the media that they are happy to be able to showcase their work to Malaysians. "Although there are five directors here, each and every one of them have their own feel and creativity," said Matt, who heads the project. "The film is about the experiences that the people go through during the pandemic. While maybe only 30 percent of the stories are real, the whole movie is based on what had happened."
Meanwhile, Yusry admitted that he was also facing challenges while making the movie, including having to change his part of the movie due to scheduling issues, which ended up with him helming the segment of the movie that stars comedian Zizan Razak. "People are accustomed to seeing him as the funny guy. But this time, we will see a different side of him," he said. Among other stars involved in the movie include Zul Ariffin, Janna Nick, Izzue Islam, Sangeeta Krishnasamy, Chew Kin Wah, Angeline Tan, as well as the late Adibah Noor. The upcoming film is set for release on 8 September.