1 Nov – Karisma Kapoor is happy to be celebrating the 26th anniversary of her hit movie, "Dil to Pagal Hai". On 30 October, the actress shared an old photo of her standing in front of a background of an artwork of her character Nisha and a line from the song, "Bholi Si Soorat".
"A very special film released on this day. Join me in celebrating Us," she wrote, tagging both Shah Rukh Khan and Madhuri Dixit in it.
Meanwhile, the official Instagram account of Yash Raj Films posted several clips from the movie, particularly the music scenes, writing, "26 years ago, #DilToPagalHai taught us "Mohabbat Kya Hai" and it stayed with us." In the 1997 movie, "Dil To Pagal Hai", Karisma plays Nisha, a dancer and best friend to the main lead Rahul (played by SRK), and is secretly in love with him. Rahul is the director of a dance troupe and he wants to stage a new play about a girl who lives in a dream world. Rahul sees Pooja (played by Madhuri Dixit) dancing in a studio and casts her instead. And in true Bollywood fashion, a love triangle ensues.