Sigourney Weaver to accept Golden Lion Achievement Award in Venice

Sigourney Weaver to accept Golden Lion Achievement Award in Venice

Sigourney Weaver has starred in famously larger than life roles throughout her career
Sigourney Weaver has starred in famously larger than life roles throughout her career
2 Jul - Sigourney Weaver has been selected to receive this year's Golden Lion Lifetime Achievement Award at the 81st Venice International Film Festival.

The news was announced by Venice Artistic director Alberto Barbera, who said, "An actress of the caliber of Sigourney Weaver has few rivals. She has blazed the trail for powerful female actors with 1980s action movies like Aliens while successfully side-stepping labels that sought to restrict her."

Barbera added that the lifetime achievement honour was just recognition for a star who has built bridges between the most sophisticated art-house cinema and movies that engage with the public in a frank and original way, all the while remaining true to herself.
Sigourney Weaver plays Ellen Ripley in the
Sigourney Weaver plays Ellen Ripley in the "Alien" franchise
In a statement following the announcement, Weaver expressed, "I am truly honoured to receive the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement from the Biennale di Venezia. To be gifted this award is a privilege I share with all the filmmakers and collaborators I have worked with throughout the years."

Weaver, who is known for her many empowered roles like Ellen Ripley ("Alien"), Dr. Helen Hudson ("Copycat") and Dr. Grace Augustine ("Avatar") will be seen next in Bryan Fuller's horror comedy "Dust Bunny" and Scott Derrickson's sci-fi actioner "The Gorge".
The actress in
The actress in "Gorillas in the Mist" (1988)

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