Upin & Ipin: Angkasa | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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Upin & Ipin: Angkasa

After the success of "Geng: Pengembaraan Bermula", Les` Copaque returns with another animated movie title "Upin & Ipin: Angkasa" that will feature the crowd`s favourite twin brothers, Upin and Ipin. It tells a story about two brothers and their friends going on a school trip to the National Planetarium. There they meet an alien from another galaxy and decides to follow the alien to its spaceship. It is then they began to experience their new adventure in outer space.
Selepas kejayaan "Geng: Pengembaraan Bermula", Les' Copaque kembali dengan sebuah filem animasi bertajuk "Upin & Ipin: Angkasa". Filem ini masih lagi mengekalkan dua adik-beradik kembar kegemaran ramai, Upin dan Ipin. Kali ini ia mengisahkan adik-beradik tersebut bersama rakan-rakan mengikuti rombongan sekolah ke Planetarium Negara. Di sana mereka bertemu dengan makhluk asing dari galaksi lain dan membuat keputusan untuk mengikut makhluk asing tersebut ke kapal angkasanya. Bermulalah satu pengembaraan baru buat mereka di angkasa lepas.

Language: Malay
Subtitle: NA
Classification: NA
Genre: Animation
Running Time: NA
Distributor: NA
Cast: Nur Fathiah Diaz
Director: Nizam Abdul Razak

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