Warm Bodies | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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Warm Bodies

R (Hoult) is a zombie. After a zombie apocalypse, he slowly moves through an America made up of collapsed buildings, rusted cars, shattered glass, and hollowed-out high-rises, preferring to lounge around a rusted 747 Boeing jet, listening to Frank Sinatra instead. He can speak only in grunts and simple syllables and craves human brains to get high on the memories they contain. After eating the brain of a suicidal teen, R is overcome with love for the teen`s companion, Julie Grigio (Palmer). He rescues Julie from death by his zombie pack and takes her back to his lair. When Julie is determined to leave, R is even more determined to follow her back to the Citi Stadium, the largest remaining human habitation to keep her safe along the way. But is it even possible for a zombie and a human girl to fall in love?
R lakonan Nicholas Hoult, ialah seorang zombie. Selepas dunia musnah dibanjiri zombie, dia bergerak dengan perlahan di Amerika yang penuh dengan bangunan runtuh, dan bangunan tinggi yang usang. Dia suka tinggal di jet 747 Boeing yang karat dan dengar lagu Frank Sinatra. Dia cuma boleh berkomunikasi dengan suku kata mudah dan bunyi ngorok. Dia inginkan otak manusia untuk menikmati memori yang disimpan di dalam. Selepas memakan otak seorang remaja yang ingin membunuh diri, R dipenuhi cinta untuk rakan remaja tersebut, Julie Grigio lakonan Teresa Palmer. Dia menyelamatkan Julie dari sekumpulan zombie dan membawanya balik ke kapal terbangnya. Apabila Julie ingin meninggalkan tempat tersebut, R lebih berazam untuk mengikutnya balik ke Citi Stadium, himpunan manusia terbesar yang tinggal. R ingin memastikan keselamatan Julie sepanjang perjalanan. Bolehkah kisah cinta antara zombie dan manusia berjaya?

Language: English
Subtitle: Malay / Chinese
Classification: P13
Release Date: 14 Mar 2013
Genre: Drama / Horror / Romance
Running Time: 1 Hour 37 Minutes
Distributor: GSC MOVIES
Cast: Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, John Malkovich
Director: Jonathan Levine
Format: 35MM, 2D, 3D

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U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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