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Mencari Cinta

Initially, Myra Tan Sri Johan was to be married to Malek, the man of her own choosing, however, at the last second, Malek runs out on her because he already has another lover. With all the preparations made and invitations sent, this sudden unfortunate turn of events is distressing for Tan Sri Johan and Puan Sri Mahani. Meanwhile, Razlan Ariffin is a village boy who is filial and respectful to his elders and owns a family farm, has just had his engagement with Mila cancelled, as she wants to pursue her studies instead. However, Razlan accepts the fact that he and Mila have no attraction to each other. In a twist of fate, Razlan becomes part of Myra`s family scheme to get the two wed. But with their vastly different upbringings where Razlan is raised by traditional parents while Myra is an heiress with a modern way of doing things, will their romance ever pan out?
Pada mulanya, Myra Tan Sri Johan akan berkahwin dengan Malek, lelaki yang dipilih sendiri tetapi akhirnya ditinggalkan oleh Malik yang mencintai orang lain. Perkembangan terbaru ini membawa banyak masalah kepada Tan Sri Johan dan Puan Sri Mahani kerana semua persiapan sudah selesai dan jemputan dihantar. Pada masa yang sama, seorang budak kampung bernama Razlan Ariffin yang taat dan sopan kepada ibu bapanya dan memiliki ladang warisan baru sahaja putus tunang dengan Mila yang ingin melanjutkan pelajarannya. Razlan menerima hakikat bahawa dia dan Mila sudah tidak mempunyai perasaan sayang. Nasib menemukan mereka Razlan dengan Myra berdua apabila keluarga Myra merancang perkahwinan mereka berdua. Adakah Razlan yang dibesarkan oleh ibu bapa tradisional serasi dengan Myra yang merupakan anak orang kaya dengan gaya hidup moden? Bolehkah mereka jatuh cinta terhadap satu sama lain?

Language: Malay
Subtitle: NA
Classification: P13
Release Date: 25 Apr 2013
Genre: Romance
Running Time: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Distributor: METROWEALTH
Cast: Nora Danish, Riezman Khuzaimi, Connie Ahmad
Director: Shirin Hj Khuzaimi
Format: 2D

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Writer: Dzamira Dzafri

Writer Ratings:

Watch this if you liked: “The Notebook”, “The Last Song” and “You’ve Got Mail”

Rarely have we seen a good old romantic movie that did not stray away too much from what we loved about romance. It was old-fashioned, heart-stopping nonsense from start to finish, and it was wildly enjoyable.

As it is a Malay-based romantic fiction, it had to set a few boundaries. The scenes on intimacy that the film was so controversial for were only accepted into the local film industry because the couple was already married.

But the clever thing about this film was that they set a basic story about a girl who hated the idea of being with a guy she didn't choose and eventually falls in love with him, but the story was set as an arranged marriage.

If you remove the arranged marriage factor, it would be about a girl and a guy and how they eventually fall in love with each other in the end, like how most romantic films are all over the world.

For this film, and the sensual hints in it, to be accepted into Malaysian cinemas, the story had given the audience what they wanted. And with the addition of them being already married, legally it is all A-okay.

The reasons as to why they had to get married seemed a little uncertain and unrealistic, but it did not really matter to anyone who would root for Myra and Razlan anyway. Forget the questions as to why and how when you watch the film as they are not really going to be answered in the film. But you hope that the drama series that will be based on this film will answer a few of the questions because the film itself seemed too rushed.

Nora Danish and Rusdi Ramli had great chemistry together, and it also probably had to do with how great Rusdi Ramli is as an actor. Nora Danish also held her own in not only her acting skills but also how she made her character likable, which was tough because her character's spoilt and unruly personality was a little worrying at first.

It can absolutely be seen why this film is considered as controversial as it is, as this was the first Malay film seen by the reviewer that contained several intimate 'almost sex scenes' and many other scenes of embrace, love and care.

You would almost want the whole film to be about them living a happy life but just as you feel completely content with what was going on, things start to get complicated, making the whole audience groan in frustration.

The groaning is not at all about the quality of the film, rather the audience groans because they have become attached to the story and the couple and it is almost embarrassing to admit how attached the reviewer was to the story itself.

The film had a rocky start and you had to get a hang of it before you get really into it, but it's actually worth the few ringgit you'll spend if you bring your girlfriends for a ladies night out or drag your boyfriend with, although if he does not actually like the genre it would probably seem like you are punishing him for something. Watch it with him anyway.

Cinema Online, 15 April 2013

U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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