Machete Kills | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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Machete Kills

In "Machete Kills", Danny Trejo returns as ex-Federale agent Machete, who is recruited by the President of the United States for a mission which would be impossible for any mortal man. He must take down a madman revolutionary and an eccentric billionaire arms dealer who has hatched a plan to spread war and anarchy across the planet.
Danny Trejo kembali di "Machete Kills" sebagai bekas ejen Machete yang direkrut oleh Presiden Amerika untuk satu misi mustahil bagi manusia biasa. Machete harus menewaskan seorang ahli revolusi gila dan pengedar senjata berbahaya. Kedua-dua musuh Machete ini merancang untuk menyebarkan perang dan anarki ke seluruh planet.

Language: English
Subtitle: NA
Classification: 18
Release Date: 17 Oct 2013
Genre: Action / Adventure / Thriller
Running Time: 1 Hour 47 Minutes
Cast: Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Mel Gibson, Jessica Alba, Charlie Sheen, Sofia Vergara, Demián Bichir, Amber Heard, Antonio Banderas
Director: Robert Rodriguez
Format: 2D

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Writer: Lorraine Tan

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Watch this if you liked: "Machete", "Hobo With A Shotgun"

"Machete Kills" is a low-budget slapstick comedy film loaded with violence, head-rolling and explicit references. The film is an expansion of the fake trailer from "Grindhouse" that is also the sequel to "Machete", which was released in year 2010.

Directed by Robert Rodriguez and starring Danny Trejo as Machete Cortez, it is supported by a list of well-known actors like Jessica Alba, Michelle Rodriguez, Sofia Vergara, Amber Heard, Vanessa Hudgens, Mel Gibson and Lady Gaga.

Machete was recruited by U.S. President Rathcock (Carlos Estevez) to stop Mendez (Demian Bichir) from destroying Washington D.C with a missile. He soon finds out his real opponent is billionaire Luther Voz (Mel Gibson), who specializes in creating unique lethal weapons.

There are several funny moments and references, but they failed to save the film, as the numerous, intense, violence scenes are hard to stomach, especially if you brought something to eat during the film. The stale plot also makes the film draggy and will sedate the audience after some time.

Trejo is the perfect candidate for the role of Machete. This ex-convict-turned-actor has wanted to do a "Machete" series with director Rodriguez for 20 years. He even admitted in an interview that the director told him, "You don't even have to act. Just walk and be yourself and talk", and that was what Trejo did.

The hype regarding Lady Gaga's appearance did not disappoint. She did a good job portraying La Camaleón, however most of the time it seems that she is portraying who she is in reality.

With hints of another sequel named, "Machete Kills Again... In Space!", this is definitely not the last we see of this eccentric series. This film is not recommended unless you are looking for films similar to "Machete". Do stick around after the credits for a bonus scene!

Cinema Online, 16 October 2013

U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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