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The Purge

The year is 2022. The United States is a nation reborn; unemployment rates are at 1% and crime is at an all-time low. This was accomplished by the U.S. government sanctioning an annual 12-hour period from the evening of 21 March to 7 AM on the morning of 22 March in which all criminal activity becomes legal. The police cannot be called. Hospitals suspend help. This event, known as The Purge, serves as a catharsis for the American people, giving them a chance to vent the negative emotions they keep inside of them with the ultimate goal of keeping unemployment and crime at extremely low levels for the rest of the year. On this night plagued by violence and an epidemic of crime, one family wrestles with the decision of who they will become when a stranger comes knocking. When a stranger screaming for help is let into James Sandin`s protected house during the yearly lock down, a sequence of events begin that puts the family`s chances of survival in danger. Now, it is up to James, his wife, Mary, and their kids, Zoey and Charlie, to make it through the night without turning into the monsters from whom they hide.
Filem yang memaparkan Amerika Syarikat yang dilahirkan semula pada tahun 2022. Kadar pengangguran hanya 1% dan kadar jenayah yang berlaku juga berkurang. Rancangan yang membolehkan segala aktiviti jenayah dilakukan dalam tempoh 12 jam bermula 21 Mac sehingga 22 Mac, 7 pagi telah dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan Amerika Syarikat. Pihak polis tidak boleh dihubungi dan pihak hospital juga tidak boleh memberikan bantuan. Rancangan yang dinamakan sebagai "The Purge" ini memberi peluang kepada orang Amerika melepaskan emosi negatif yang tersimpan. Matlamat utama rancangan ini ialah memastikan kadar jenayah berkurang sepanjang tahun. Pada malam itu, sebuah keluarga berhadapan dengan bahaya setelah rumah mereka telah diketuk. Apabila orang tersebut menjerit meminta pertolongan, James Sandin cuba melindungi rumah tersebut dan mereka sekeluarga berada dalam bahaya. Kini, segalanya terpulang kepada isteri James, Mary serta anak mereka Zoey dan Charlie untuk melepaskan diri dari tempat persembunyian mereka.

Language: English
Subtitle: NA
Classification: 18
Release Date: 22 Aug 2013
Genre: Thriller / Science Fiction / Horror
Running Time: 1 Hour 25 Minutes
Distributor: United International Pictures
Cast: Ethan Hawke, Lena Headey, Adelaide Kane, Max Burkholder
Director: James DeMonaco
Format: 2D

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Writer: Casey Lee

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Watch this if you liked: "Panic Room", and “Straw Dogs”

In 2022, the United States would be a warped dystopia with the lowest rates of crime and poverty ever recorded when their New Founding Fathers have implemented an annual event known as the Purge. Once a year, for a period of 12 hours, all emergency services are shut down and all acts that would be considered criminal from theft, rape and murder in an otherwise law-governed society are free to be committed without any legal repercussions, as long as they happen within the allotted time.

While it would be easy for any audience to dismiss the entire premise with clever reasoning on how a real government would not allow Purging to happen in reality, or have endless suggestions on how they would be able to evade said Purging, but if audiences were willing to accept writer and director James DeMonaco's invitation to be engrossed in his sophomore directional, "The Purge" does raise some tough questions that may make you tick and think more than you should for a movie created with a microbudget.

With some very strong sense of writing, DeMonaco's premise works on many levels and even attacks his own premise with various questions that can raise some very meta-discussions about what you would do if you are allowed to live your most violent fantasies on the ones you think whose existence is undeserved, whether morally or reasonably justified or not.

DeMonaco slowly builds up "The Purge" to be an examination of whether society can be trusted to regulate itself through natural laws of survival of the fittest, and whether or not the unnatural suppression of human's primal acts out of fear, anger and frustration is the root cause of an unequal society.

The movie doesn't sacrifice its concept with poor execution as it heightens the suspense and tension with some deft but otherwise generic cinematographic techniques befitting a home invasion flick, but this is helped by solid performances from its cast despite the one-note role that they are supposed to play. Hawke and Headley show little trouble playing the concerned and protective parents for their children who just want to get through the night, and the superficial motivations doesn't stop an iconic performance by Australian actor Rhys Wakefield as the charming leader of the cult-like witch hunters that had gathered outside the Sandins door.

Unfortunately, by the time the walls come crashing down in the third act, all the integrity and context of "The Purge" go down with it. Not that one would expect that this was not going down to have meaningless bloodshed by the end, but all the brilliant conceptual buildup ended up being meaningless. All the tough questions that had been meticulously asked received too convenient of an answer, or sometimes the questions are removed from the thought process entirely. The level of attention to detail in securing the premise as seen in the beginning is also lost as the plot starts to crack when the killing starts.

As the siren sounds for the end of "The Purge", audiences are left with a fairly original premise with boundless mind twisting potentials, and it would be something to see what visionary directors from the generation like Nolan or Aronofsky could mold out of it. But in the hands of James DeMonaco, it is just a prelude of an idea that has succumbed to the dollars of the inevitable franchise that will be built on the dead corpses it leaves behind, with many more to come in formulaic sequels and knock-offs.

Cinema Online, 27 August 2013

U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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