A Most Violent Year | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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A Most Violent Year

1981 is statistically the most dangerous year in New York City`s history. The movie follows an immigrant and his family trying to protect his business even as he capitalises on opportunities that arise during the rampant violence.
Menurut statistik, 1981 merupakan tahun paling berbahaya dalam sejarah bandar New York. Filem ini mengisahkan seorang pendatang dan keluarganya yang berusaha untuk menjalankan perniagaan walaupun keganasan sering melanda bandar yang didiami keluarga itu.

Language: English
Subtitle: NA
Classification: P13
Release Date: 15 Jan 2015
Genre: Action / Drama / Crime
Running Time: 2 Hours 5 Minutes
Distributor: GSC MOVIES
Cast: Oscar Isaac, Jessica Chastain, David Oyelowo, Alessandro Nivola
Director: J.C. Chandor
Format: 2D

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Writer: Cinnamon Lion

Writer Ratings:

Watch this if you liked: “The Godfather”, “Middle of Nowhere” and “Margin Call”

The Good, the Bad and the Most Violent

• An excellent non-violent gangster movie despite its title, which vaguely reminds you of the film "The Godfather".

• The film can be a bit slow-paced, but it is executed in the most elegant and refreshing way.

• The chemistry between Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain in the movie sort of reminds you of Bonnie and Clyde.


• Javier Bardem and Charlize Theron were initially casted for the lead roles.

Cinema Online, 20 January 2015

U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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