The Imitation Game | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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The Imitation Game

"The Imitation Game" is based on the life of British mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and computer scientist Alan Turing. He was a key figure in cracking the Enigma code during World War II, which led to the Allies` victory. The movie follows several periods of Turing`s life which include his unhappy teenage years, the triumph of his secret wartime work and his prosecution on the account of his sexual orientation.
"The Imitation Game" mengisahkan kehidupan sebenar seorang lelaki pintar bernama Alan Turing yang mempunyai kepakaran dalam bidang matematik dan komputer. Dia merupakan kunci untuk memecahkan kod Enigma sewaktu Perang Dunia ke-2 yang membawa kemenangan Allies. Filem ini juga memaparkan kisah hidup Turing termasuk kisah pahit sewaktu zaman remajanya, rahsia kemenangannya sewaktu peperangan dan pendakwaan yang dilaluinya.

Language: English
Subtitle: Malay / Chinese
Classification: P13
Release Date: 5 Feb 2015
Genre: Thriller / Drama / Biography
Running Time: 1 Hour 55 Minutes
Distributor: GSC MOVIES
Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode, Mark Strong
Director: Morten Tyldum
Format: 2D

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Writer: Cinnamon Lion

Writer Ratings:

Watch this if you liked: “Enigma” and “Unbroken”

The Good, the Bad and the False Game

• A powerful and bewitching biopic which is entertaining from the start until the end.

• Someone who was initially unknown to the world now becomes sensational, thanks to the wonderful portrayal by Benedict Cumberbatch.

• The film is so good that 114 minute-runtime is not enough.


• The official website of the film allows users to unlock exclusive content by solving crossword puzzles conceived by Turing in his lifetime.

Cinema Online, 27 January 2015

U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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