Brothers Of The Wind (EUFF) | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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Brothers Of The Wind (EUFF)

Lukas lives a happy life in the mountains with his parents. But the young boy`s happy life turns lonely when his mother dies in a fire and since then, his father has been distancing himself and becoming more resentful. Things take a new turn when Lukas stumbles upon a baby eagle that is cast away from the nest by his stronger siblings. Lukas decides to adopt the baby eagle, which he names Abel, and friendship between the boy and the bird is born.
Lukas hidup gembira bersama ibu bapanya di pergunungan. Tetapi kegembiraannya bertukar menjadi sunyi apabila ibunya meninggal dunia dalam satu kebakaran dan sejak itu bapanya mula menjauhkan diri daripadanya. Bagaimanapun keadaan itu berubah selepas Lukas bertemu dengan seekor anak burung helang yang terjatuh dari sarangnya. Lukas mengambil keputusan untuk membela anak burung helang itu yang diberi nama Abel dan persahabatan antara budak lelaki itu dan burung mula berputik.

Language: English
Subtitle: NA
Classification: U
Release Date: 20 Oct 2016
Genre: Adventure / Drama / Family
Running Time: 1 Hour 38 Minutes
Distributor: Film Festival Organizer
Cast: Jean Reno, Manuel Camacho, Tobias Moretti
Director: Gerardo Olivares, Otmar Penker
Format: 2D

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U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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