Inside Out | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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Inside Out

Riley is an 11-year-old girl who is going through a rebellious stage after she and her family move from Minnesota to San Francisco. Look into Riley`s head and meet the voices inside: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust. They are Riley`s five emotions that shape who she is today. Follow the journey of these five emotions and understand how the personality of children changes as they grow up. From the creative minds behind "Up" and "WALL-E", director Pete Docter and Ronnie del Carmen will show you how human minds work, Pixar-style!
Filem ini mengisahkan tentang seorang gadis berusia 11 tahun bernama Riley yang dalam peringkat memberontak selepas keluarganya berpindah dari Minnesota ke San Francisco. Lihat dalam kepala Riley dan bertemu dengan suara di dalam: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear dan Disgust. Mereka adalah lima emosi Riley yang membentuknya ketika itu. Ikuti perjalanan kelima-lima emosi dan fahami bagaimana personaliti kanak-kanak berubah apabila mereka membesar.

Language: English
Subtitle: NA
Classification: U
Release Date: 20 Aug 2015
Genre: Adventure / Animation
Running Time: 1 Hour 42 Minutes
Distributor: Walt Disney Pictures
Cast: Amy Poehler, Lewis Black, Mindy Kaling, Bill Hader, Phyllis Smith
Director: Pete Docter
Format: 2D, 3D, 2D ATMOS


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Writer: Erny Suzira

Writer Ratings:

Watch this if you liked: “Up”, “WALL-E” and other Pixar films

The Good, the Bad and the Voices Inside your Head:

From the studio that made films about talking toys, talking cars, a cooking rat, the industry of monsters, the life of a banned superhero family, and the adventures of an old man - comes another animated masterpiece, that will bring you into the abstract world of the mind of an 11-year-old girl, and her five emotions - Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust and Fear - that reside inside of her head.

As odd as the film may sound, "Inside Out" is a true gem with an original and creative concept that will show you how our minds work, and how our emotions actually affect our growth and behaviour. The film is not only aimed towards children, but also adults who will also equally find the film highly memorable, touching and full of fun!

Parents who watch this film will be able to understand the true meaning of this film as it is as if watching how your children grow up and the various emotions that come into play. They would also especially be able to relate to Joy - the main character (or should I say emotion) that has been controlling 11-year-old Riley and watching over her as she plays sort of a surrogate parent role, hoping for the best for Riley so that she wouldn't get hurt.

Children however, may enjoy the visual aspects of it more but may not think too much of the film and may not be able to grasp the underlying meaning behind it. To them, the film may just seem like another fun, adventurous movie surrounding the colourful muppet-like characters.

As imaginative as the film may be, some made-up facts, information or explanations in the film are passable as they seem to fit into the concept or situation even though you know that they are entirely untrue. But then again, nobody really knows how our minds work, but the way directors Pete Docter and Ronnie del Carmen made sense out of everything in "Inside Out", prove that the two men are true geniuses, and that you can expect no less as they are also the ones behind the award-winning Pixar films like "Up" and "WALL-E".

Most of the film takes part in Riley's mind and focuses a lot on the emotions themselves. Each of the voice cast did a great job for their respective roles. Amy Poehler as Joy in her peppiest role ever, Phyllis Smith as the insecure yet adorable Sadness, Lewis Black and his uncontrollable temper as Anger, Mindy Kaling who keeps giving sarcastic remarks in her role as Disgust, and Bill Hader the cowardly jittery nerve-like Fear which can't seem to stay still. Each of the characters serves their purpose and is fun to watch!

Overall, the film is an appropriately fun movie for the whole household - be it adults or children - and it is definitely a must-watch as it contains a meaningful and brave message that is relatable and understandable for everyone.


• The directors initially wanted to include Pride as a character but decide to take him out and give his attributes to Joy instead.

Cinema Online, 18 August 2015

U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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