Arrival | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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When mysterious alien crafts land across the globe, an elite team assembles to investigate the situation, including language expert Louise Banks, who is recruited by the military to help determine whether the extraterrestrials come in peace or they pose a threat to humanity.
Apabila kapal angkasa misteri mendarat di seluruh bumi, pasukan elit telah ditubuhkan untuk menyiasat - termasuk seorang pakar bahasa Louise Banks. Seluruh manusia terdesak mahukan jawapan yang mana mungkin boleh mencetuskan perang dunia, dan untuk mencarinya Banks perlu mengambil peluang yang mungkin akan mengancam nyawanya dan juga seluruh manusia.

Language: English
Subtitle: Malay / Chinese
Classification: P13
Release Date: 12 Jan 2017
Genre: Science Fiction
Running Time: 2 Hours
Distributor: Sony Pictures Releasing International
Cast: Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forest Whitaker, Michael Stuhlbarg, Tzi Ma, Mark O'Brien
Director: Denis Villeneuve
Format: 2D, 2D ATMOS

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Writer: Cinnamon Lion

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Watch this if you liked: “Skyline”

The Good, the Bad and the Alien Communicator:

• Alien invasion movies are so overrated and the formula is almost, always basically the same. But somehow, "Arrival" manages to find an entirely fresh angle to focus on and deliver the whole story.

• What sets this film apart from others in the genre is the way that it plays with the notion of time, memory, love and the essence of being human.

• The characters are also one of the reasons why this film works as they are not treated as mere cliche plot devices, but realistic people who crave for an answer.

• Five-time Oscar nominee Amy Adams carries out her role wonderfully in this film with a sense of dignified vulnerability, and this film might just grant her her first Academy Award.


• The original name for the film was "Story of Your Life."

Cinema Online, 06 January 2017

U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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