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Despite having names associated with money, the Guang brothers never have luck with it. In fact, all of them are quite poor. Eldest brother Guang Hui has always stayed in his hometown in Penang, taking care of their elderly mother. Meanwhile, the two younger brothers Guang Yao and Guang Rong have moved to Kuala Lumpur and since moving there, both of them have never returned home once for reunion dinner, causing their mother to become extremely concerned. One day, their father, who has been working overseas, passes away due to sickness, and the two younger brothers learn that he has left them a lot of inheritance. So the two of them decide to go back home to get their share.
Tiga adik beradik Guang Hui, Guang Yao dan Guang Rong tidak pernah bernasib baik dengan wang, malah kesemua mereka miskin. Abang sulung Guang Hui tinggal di kampung mereka di Pulau Pinang kerana mahu menjaga ibu mereka. Manakala dua lagi adiknya telah berpindah ke Kuala Lumpur untuk mencari wang dan sejak berpindah ke sana kedua-dua mereka tidak pernah pulang menyebabkan ibu mereka menjadi risau. Satu hari, bapa mereka yang bekerja di luar negara telah meninggal dunia akibat sakit dan kedua-dua adik ini mendapat tahu yang bapa mereka telah meninggalkan harta yang banyak. Berikutan itu, kedua-dua mereka ambil keputusan untuk pulang ke kampung untuk mendapatkan bahagian mereka.

Language: Mandarin
Subtitle: English / Malay / Chinese
Classification: P13
Release Date: 2 Feb 2017
Genre: Comedy / Family
Running Time: 1 Hour 42 Minutes
Distributor: Idea Entertainment
Cast: Dato' Lai Meng, Henry Thia, Jovi Theng, Chen Puie Heng
Director: Bryan Gao
Format: 2D

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U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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