Sky Hunter | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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Sky Hunter

Several Air Force pilots are given a sudden test to be selected into a secret Air Force base called the Sky Hunter. Wu Di and Ling Weifeng pass the test while Hao Chen gets eliminated. Wu Di and four other soldiers are the only ones who made it to the base after a series of training. One day, news broke that Hao Chen has been captured by the rebel army of another country. Determined to rescue his old teammate, Wu Di gathers several groups of air pilots to be ready for Hao Chen`s rescue mission.
Beberapa juruterbang Air Force telah diberi ujian secara tiba-tiba untuk dipilih ke pengkalan rahsia Air Force yang dipanggil Sky Hunter. Wu Di dan Ling Weifeng lulus dalam ujian itu manakala Hao Chen disingkirkan. Wu Di dan empat lagi askar lain sahaja yang berjaya ke pengkalan itu selepas beberapa siri latihan. Satu hari berita tersebar yang Hao Chen telah ditangkap oleh tentera penentang negara asing. Nekad untuk menyelamatkan bekas rakan sepasukannya, Wu Di mengumpul beberapa juruterbang untuk misi menyelamat.

Language: Mandarin
Subtitle: English / Chinese
Classification: P13
Release Date: 19 Oct 2017
Genre: Action / Crime
Running Time: 1 Hour 56 Minutes
Cast: Li Chen, Fan Bingbing, Wang Qian Yuan, Li Jia Hang
Director: Li Chen
Format: 2D

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Writer: Cinnamon Lion

Writer Ratings:

Watch this if you liked: “Good Kill”

The Good, the Bad and the Air Fighter:

• The movie is created with the noble intention of honouring China's aerial forces, but sadly, it is burden with several flaws that are hard to ignore.

• Considering that this is Li Chen's first venture as a film director, the flaws are understandable and since this is China's first aerial warfare film, it is at least a concept that is very fresh for the audience.

• The story however doesn't flow very smoothly, some parts are a bit rushed, and some doesn't connect to the next scene.

• It is quite disappointing that Fan Bingbing who is the most famous cast in the film had very small role in the movie, and the role doesn't go beyond the typical female love interest.

• But at least, the movie does have some nice humorous moments that will genuinely make you giggle.


• The SAM system used by the terrorists is the 9K37 Buk, the same missile system used to shoot down MH17 over Ukraine in 2014.

Cinema Online, 23 October 2017

U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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