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Fang Ray Shin is a high school student who lives in Taiwan in 1962, during the White Terror martial law period. Troubles at school and home cause her to feel like only her counselling teacher, Zhang, understands her and she falls in love with him. She is also part of his secret study group, which includes Miss Yin and an 11th grade male student Wei Chong Tin, and reading the banned books let them feel liberated despite the danger they`re putting themselves in. When one day Zhang suddenly disappears and Fang and Wei find themselves trapped in their school at midnight, they must now search for their missing teacher even as their school begins to turn into a realm where ghosts and spirits rampage.
Berlatarbelakangkan tahun 1962 ketika zaman White Terror di Taiwan. Fang Ray Shin merupakan pelajar sekolah tinggi yang berdepan masalah di rumah dan sekolah. Dia kemudiannya jatuh cinta dengan guru kaunselingnya, Mr. Zhang, yang menubuhkan kelas rahsia bagi buku-buku yang diharamkan. Miss Yin dan seorang pelajar lelaki bernama Wei Chong Ting turut terlibat dalam kelas rahsia itu. Suatu malam, Fang dan Wei Ting mendapati mereka telah terperangkap dalam sekolah mereka yang kini kosong dan dihantui roh-roh jahat. Dalam pada mereka mencari jalan keluar dan merungkai kisah silam gelap sekolah itu, mereka juga perlu mencari Mr. Zhang yang hilang secara tiba-tiba.

Language: Mandarin
Subtitle: English / Malay / Chinese
Classification: 18
Release Date: 9 Jan 2020
Genre: Horror / Suspense
Running Time: 1 Hour 43 Minutes
Distributor: GSC Movies
Cast: Gingle Wang, Fu Meng-Po, Tseng Ching-Hua
Director: John Hsu
Format: 2D

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